The clear targets derived by politicians from the Paris Climate Agreement require a rigorous reduction in CO2 emissions. In order to be able to achieve the goal of extensive greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 in emission-intensive industrial sectors, companies are called upon to reduce their corporate carbon footprint - in other words, their CO2 footprint. For this to succeed, however, they must first be able to generate reliable key figures on their CO2 emissions. The verifiability of this data is also of central importance.
Our customer, a listed chemical and pharmaceutical group, was also concerned with this highly specialized topic. It requested us to replace its previous CO2 reporting system. Thanks to the solution we implemented, the group is now able to track its CO2 footprint more clearly and accurately. This is an important prerequisite for taking measures to reduce CO2 emissions.
Replacement of time-consuming calculations based on geodata and average values
The group calculates the CO2 emissions for all supply chains with the aim of reducing them within a predefined period of time. Instead of time-consuming calculations based on geodata and average values, the CO2 emissions calculation was to be carried out in more detail in the future with the help of EcoTransIT's software solution. This is the Fraunhofer Institute's most widely used software worldwide for the automated calculation of emissions.
Solution for the calculation of future and past deliveries
The most important task for our experts was to develop a solution that would not only allow CO2 emissions for future deliveries to be calculated more accurately. Rather, it also had to provide information on the data of already completed deliveries from various divisions and Group subsidiaries. The customer's requirement was to be able to call up the data continuously and in real time since 2019.
In this context, it was particularly challenging to design a solution that surpassed the existing CO2 reporting not only in terms of accuracy, but also in terms of performance.
Hybrid software solution with real-time query takes into account stopovers and means of transport
By combining a new software solution based on existing data and the ability to query data in real time, the Group can now directly track the actual CO2 emissions of its deliveries. In addition, the corresponding data is available in descriptive dashboards. Since the new solution also takes into account intermediate stops in the supply chains as well as the various means of transport, the results also exhibit a significantly higher level of granularity. At the same time, data accuracy has also increased. As a result, the Group can now make key decisions on the basis of daily CO2 reporting.
Dashboard solution now provides up-to-date data
As part of the project, our consultants have created services that can be used to transfer existing delivery data to EcoTransIT's servers. At the same time, the services generate important key figures (such as CO2 emissions, sulfuroxides, nitrogen oxides). The key figures are in turn made up of various parameters (e.g. type of transport, longitude-latitude, weight, fuel type).
Based on the results obtained, our Analyticsconsultants were finally able to build a data model. The customer can now access the updated data using an easy-to-understand dashboard solution
The good and trusting cooperation between the Group and Xient GmbH has already proven itself in the past within the scope of various projects. Since then, the Group has been a long-standing customer of Xient GmbH.